Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Dumbbell vs Kettlebell...BATTLE

A couple Mondays ago I woke up with a very stiff low back, my left SI joint actually. I couldn’t quite put a finger on why it was bothering me, other than knowing that this is generally a troublesome area for me.

All of this got me to thinking, and then it all start to come together for me. I had gone to a local commercial facility on Sunday to train with my wife; and I had decided to hit some dumbbell snatches nothing massive just a few sets of 3 with a 75lb.

I have been training a lot with the KB lately and I started to put two and two together; and I came the conclusion that one the reasons that my back was probably so jacked on Monday morning was that I was trying to do dumbbell snatches the same as I was doing kettlebell snatches.

Guess I had to re-learn the hard way that I there is a difference between the two.

Let's start with what I was doing wrong; and that was trying to let the dumbbell swing back between my legs like a kettlebell, long story short this end up creating a more torque than my back is capable of handling.

A part of the reason for this extra torque is because most dumbbells have inherently more width than an equal size kettlbell, this width results in the additional torque along with the additional demand to stabilize and get the hips and back which is an area that I definitely have difficulty with.

What should I do to avoid this situation occurring again?

I need to perform the dumbbell snatch as more of vertical movement and probably better suited to at least for myself to insert a pause in between each repetition, instead of trying to swing the dumbbell.

Which is better a kettlebell snatch or a dumbbell snatch?

I guess I have to stick to the status quo lame answer: ‘It Depends’ on your goal and what equipment you have available.

In my opinion any time you can get some snatches into your program it is a good training day. As long as you are aware that there is a difference between the different types and perform them properly.

Learn from my mistake, so you don’t get a bad impression of the dumbbell, kettlebell or any kind of snatch for the matter.

Troy M Anderson, KFS Instructor
Kettlebell Certification

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Kettlebells Are Everywhere!

I saw kettlebells in Target the other day; knew that they were on their way but I hadn't seen them there yet. Really quite a big step for the implement to be being sold in so many local mainstream stores.

Check out the video below. I am not sure what size these KB's are but they are Go-Fit brand, as you can see I also caught the price.

By the way I took this video with my phone, and then directly load it to youtube from there.

How damn cool is that. Know one is safe NOW!

Things sure have come a long way in the last few years.

On a similar both Josh and I have been told time and again that magazines like Men's Health will NEVER feature articles with items like kettlebells and other 'fringe' implements.

Well guess what they featured the preeminent kettlebell exercise, the kettlbell snatch in on of the small columns as well as an article and university research verifying the efficacy of strongman style training.

It's only a matter of time before you see some material from one of the KFS instructors in one of these mainstream mags. As a matter of fact I picked up a little secret weapon last week that may just expedite the process but more on that another day.

Check out the Target Kettlbells Below:

Troy M Anderson, KFS Instructor

Kettlebell Certification

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Kettlebell Popularity the Good and the BAD

I was in the grocery store the other day scanning through the magazines when I came across, an article about the 300 workout, they were even using kettlebells in their workout, cool right, WRONG!

The model in the picture is holding the kettlebell completely WRONG. Check out the picture.

Nowadays kettlebells are getting a ton of publicity unfortunately some sources are spreading potentially hazardous information. Information in this case that could literally rip somone's thumb off.

This faulty information is the exact reason Kettlebell Fitness Systems exsists we are providing the absolute best education to fitness professionals with the hope that they will pass that education down to their clients as well as other end users.

Also here's a Video so you can see the proper way to do the clean and press.

Troy M Anderson, KFS Instructor
Kettlebell Certification

Friday, November 9, 2007

300 Fat Burning Workout

A great challenge we put our female clients through. What an amazing fat burner that kept focus on the major lifts as well as quality!!

Swings: 150
Squat Thurster: 75
Renegade Rows: 75

Don't forget a good warm-up first! This is a great drill to open the hips and get the shoulders for the workout ahead.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Kettlebells the Perfect Vacation Workout?

As I mentioned last week, I travelled to Chicago this past weekend. However, I didn't want too much time to go by without a good training session. Fortunately, my good friend let me use his home gym to get a great workout. He has all the good tools, a barbell, rack with chin-up bar, and kettlebells.

Not having a lot of time, as I had to attend many family events, makes you really focus on the most effective drills. They go back to my basic principles of movements.

Lower Body Pull
Upper Body Pull
Squat Variation
Upper Body Press
Single Leg Drill

This led me to a quick kettlebell circuit of the following (allowing for 30 seconds to one minute of rest between drills).

1. Snatches (15 each side)
2. Rows (12 each side)
3. Rack Lunges (10 each side)
4. Windmills (8 each side)

The following day I had to be more on my time

1. Two Handed Swings: 100
2. Push Press: 100 (50 each hand)

What a great way to keep up on the training and still maintain the responsibilities of one's real life!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Kettlebells to Fight Cancer

This past year I lost my stepmother to Breast Cancer. When she was originally diagnosed she was given approximately three months to live. EIGHT YEARS later she finally lost her battle. This coming weekend I am travelling to my hometown of Chicago for the unveiling of her tombstone. Considering I also lost my mother to cancer when I was eight and have had numerous good friends take on the same battles I have always wished there was something I could do.

Ok, I am not very talented at fundraising, walks and runs never really spoke to me either. It isn't the fact I didn't care, but really thought I could take something I love and make it more meaningful. Thanks to Ader Sporting Goods that opportunity has arrived. Ader has just released pink 18 lb kettlebells and yellow 26 pound kettlebells. Portion of each sale will go to the Susan B. Komen foundation as well as Livestrong. I hope you will take an opportunity to contribute by purchasing a high quality kettlebell. Both Troy and myself have outfitted our facilities with these bells.

In the near future we will putting together a fundraiser based around the 5 minute snatch test. Please stay tune to find out how you can help contribute to these great causes while doing something you love. Let's not leave caring only to the aerobic community!